Twitchy Eyelids? Why Do You Have Them And How Do You Make Them Stop Temporarily?

If your upper or lower eyelids twitch throughout the day, you may wonder if something's wrong with your eyes. Although it's uncertain as to why eyelids twitch, some sources report that fatigue, alcohol consumption and stress may be possible reasons for the problem. Having an eye condition, such as uveitis and dry eyes, may also be contributors to your twitching eyelids, or blepharospasm. It's a good idea that you see an eye doctor for your blepharospasm. Until your appointment, here some possible causes of your twitching eyelids and what you can do to ease your discomfort at home temporarily.

What Are Possible Causes of Blepharospasm?

Twitchy eyelids can be bothersome and disturbing to the people they affect. The problem can occur when you expose your eyes to a bright computer screen for long periods of time or when you consume too much caffeine. Other individuals tend to experience eyelid spasms when they have dry eyes or an infection of the eyes, such as uveitis. Sometimes, the eyes twitch because they're simply tired.

There are six different muscles that support the tissues of your eyes. Some of the muscles allow your upper and lower lids to open and close when you blink. Other muscles help your eyeballs move up, down and around. Because the muscles work hard to give your eyes movement, they can sometimes become fatigued or stressed if you use them too much, such as staying up too late or reading a book too long.

In response to the fatigue, the muscles develop spasms, or involuntary movements. The movements may occur sporadically or continuously. In many cases, the spasms stop when you close your eyes to rest or retire to bed for the night. But if your eyes continue to twitch when you wake up, you may have another issue to address, such as dry eyes.

Dry eyes develop when you don't have sufficient moisture in your eyes. Your eyes contain different tissues that produce fluids, or tears, to keep them lubricated during the day and night. Sometimes, being in a situation that causes you to blink less than normal can cause dry eyes. For example, people who work on computers during long periods of time tend to blink less than normal. The fluids dry out on the surfaces of the eyes, which leads to irritation and other issues.

Tension in your face may be a possible reason for your eyelid problem. You have various nerves in your head that run through the muscles of your cheeks, chin and eyes. The nerves can sometime develop inflammation or pain from illness or stress that affects multiple areas of the face, including your eyelids. For instance, you may have pain in your upper jaw that spreads to the muscles below your lower eyelid. The aggravated nerves may trigger the eyelid to twitch out of control. 

If you experience any of the issues mentioned above, take steps right now to temporarily ease your discomfort.

How Can You Find Temporary Relief From Your Twitching Eyelids?

One of the things you might do to ease your discomfort is avoid bright lighting at night. If possible, sleep in a dark, comfortable room instead of using night lights or lamps to fall asleep. Also, don't keep the television or computer on at night. If you can't fall asleep without any type of lighting, try to use a bulb with dim or reduced lighting to reduce the glare on your eyes.

Massaging the tissues around your eyes with light oils, such as coconut oil and vitamin E, may help reduce muscle tension. Here's what you do:

  1. Place one drop of oil in your hands, then rub them together to warm the oil.
  2. Use your fingertips to gently massage the oil into the skin above the eyebrows and along the eye sockets. Don't place the oil near the upper or lower eyelid to avoid irritating the soft tissues inside your eyes.
  3. Repeat step two for at least 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the excess oil from your around your eyes with a soft cloth.

You can perform the massage several times a day to find relief or until you see an eye doctor. 

For assistance with your twitchy eyelids, contact an eye specialist at a clinic like Olympia Eye Clinic, Inc., P.S. today.

About Me

why you shouldn't put off eye exams

My family is on a tight budget, so my personal needs tend to fall to the bottom of the list of things we need to buy each year. In years past, I have put off getting an eye exam completed and have gone several years without replacing my glasses. I didn't understand how big of a mistake this was until recently. Understanding why those eye exams are so important has helped me move this one thing to the top of my priority list each year. Find out why you need regular eye exams here on my blog so you don't continue to put it off any longer.
